Immigrate to Canada

Category-based Selection under Express Entry

Category-based selection allows the Canadian government to invite applicants in high-demand occupations and categories to fill gaps in the labour market. Category-based Express Entry rounds are held in addition to general and program-specific draws. If the candidate is in a priority occupation or category, this could increase the candidate’s chances of being selected for permanent residence in Canada. (



To be eligible for an invitation through a category-based round, candidates must:

  • Meet the eligibility criteria for an Express Entry managed program (Federal Skilled Worker Program or Canadian Experience Program or Federal Skilled Trades Program)
  • Have a valid Express Entry profile
  • Fulfill all the category-based instructions issued by IRCC when that category-based round of invitations is announced.

Priority Categories for 2023

  • Healthcare occupations
  • Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations
  • Trade occupations, such as carpenters, plumbers and contractors
  • Transport occupations
  • Agriculture and agri-food occupations
  • French-language proficiency

    Express Entry

    1. Federal Skilled Worker

    2. Canadian Experience Class

    3. Federal Skilled Trades

    Candidates who are eligible under one or more of the above-mentioned immigration programs can complete an online profile including the details about their skills, education, work experience and language ability, among others. Successful applicants will then be placed in the pool of eligible candidates. They will be ranked in the Express Entry pool using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).

    The CRS is a points-based system used to assess and score your profile and rank it in the Express Entry pool. The highest ranking candidates will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence. Those receiving ITA will have 60 days to submit their application for permanent residence.

    Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)

    This program is designed for the foreign workers who possess the required skills and work experience and want to immigrate to Canada. To be eligible for this program, the foreign workers must meet the following minimum criteria:

    • Have at least 1 year of continuous paid work experience, full-time at 1 job or equal amount in part-time work or full-time at more than 1 job (same type), within the last 10 years and in one of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER categories: TEER 0, TEER 1, TEER 2 and TEER 3.
    • Have a minimum score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 in all abilities: writing, reading, listening and speaking through an approved language test in English or French.
    • Have a Canadian secondary (high school) or post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree or an equivalent foreign credential assessed through a designated organization.

    Once you meet above-stated minimum requirements, your application will be assessed based on the following factors:

    Factor Points (Maximum)
    Education 25
    English and/or French Language Skills 28
    Work Experience 15
    Age 12
    Arranged Employment 10
    Adaptability 10
    Minimum Score Required 67

    You must score at least 67 points (out of 100) to be eligible to apply. You must also show that you have sufficient funds to support you and your family to settle in Canada unless you are legally working in Canada or have a valid job offer from a Canadian employer. 

    If you want us to help you with your Express Entry application, fill out our assessment form.

    Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

    Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is an immigration category that allows foreign workers who have gained at least one year of skilled work experience in Canada within the last three years to apply for permanent residence. The skilled work experience must be paid work and be acquired with valid work authorization. The work experience gained through self-employment and while you were a full-time student or a refugee claimant does not count under this program.
    To be eligible for the CEC, you must:

    • Have at least 12 months of full-time (or an equivalent in part-time) work
      experience in Canada within the last three years
    • Have worked in one or more occupations under Training, Education, Experience,
      Responsibilities (TEER) categories 0, 1, 2, and 3 under the National
      Occupational Classification (NOC)
    • Take approved language test and meet minimum requirements
      – Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 for TEER 0 or TEER 1 jobs
      – Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 for TEER 2 or TEER 3 jobs
    • Plan to live outside the province of Quebec

    There is no education requirement for the CEC. However, education increases your score in the express entry pool.

    CEC applicants can remain in Canada while their application is in process. Qualifying applicants can be outside Canada as long as they have submitted their application within 6 months of leaving their job in Canada.

    If you want us to help you with your Express Entry application, fill out our assessment form.

    Federal Skilled Trades (FST)

    The Federal Skilled Trades Program is for qualified, experienced tradepersons from around the world who want to immigrate to Canada. To be eligible for the FST, you  must:

    • Have at least 2 years of full-time work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in a skilled trade within the last 5 years
    • Have a full-time job offer in that skilled trade for a period of at least 1 year or hold a certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority
    • Meet the required language levels for each language ability (writing, reading, listening and speaking). The required minimum language levels are Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 for speaking and listening, and CLB 4 for reading and writing.

    There is no education requirement for the FST. However, education increases your score in the express entry pool.

    If you want us to help you with your Express Entry application, fill out our assessment form.

    Category-based Selection under Express Entry

    Category-based selection allows the Canadian government to invite applicants in high-demand occupations and categories to fill gaps in the labour market. Category-based Express Entry rounds are held in addition to general and program-specific draws. If the candidate is in a priority occupation or category, this could increase the candidate’s chances of being selected for permanent residence in Canada. (


    To be eligible for an invitation through a category-based round, candidates must:

    • Meet the eligibility criteria for an Express Entry managed program (Federal Skilled Worker Program or Canadian Experience Program or Federal Skilled Trades Program)
    • Have a valid Express Entry profile
    • Fulfill all the category-based instructions issued by IRCC when that category-based round of invitations is announced. 

    Priority Categories for 2023

    • Healthcare occupations
    • Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations
    • Trade occupations, such as carpenters, plumbers and contractors
    • Transport occupations
    • Agriculture and agri-food occupations
    • French-language proficiency

      If you want us to help you with your Express Entry application, fill out our assessment form.

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