Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
Work Permit and LMIA
A work permit allows a foreign national to work in Canada on a temporary basis. There are various options available for foreign workers to come and work in Canada. These options can be broadly categorized into two: the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and the International Mobility Program (IMP).
Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that serves as proof that there will be a positive or neutral impact to the Canadian labour market if the employer hires the foreign worker. A positive LMIA will show that there is a need for a foreign worker and no Canadian citizen or permanent resident is available to fill the job. A temporary work permit supported with an LMIA is required for a foreign national to be able to work for Canadian employers. The Canadian employers who wish to hire foreign workers must apply for an LMIA. They should be aware of the requirements, wages, advertisement efforts, exceptions to the advertising requirements, and how to apply for an LMIA. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), a federal government department, is responsible to oversee the LMIA process.
Process for Work Permit
Step 1: Employer applies for a Labour Market Impact Assessment, if necessary
Step 2: Employer extends a Temporary Job Offer
Step 3: Foreign Worker applies for a Work Permit
Step 4: Work Permit is issued.
Depending on the foreign worker’s country of citizenship, a Temporary Resident Visa may also be required to enter Canada.
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